TezoSlottery — November’s edition!

4 min readNov 5, 2018


Hello to all our beloved delegators!

Today we had our first lottery draw! It was quite fun and we hope that all the channel enjoyed the promotion as we did.

We liked the lottery quite a lot, so we decided to replicate in November! It will be very similar to the last edition, but with some tweaks here and there. You can find all the relevant info in this post (look for NEW for, well, new things!)


There are 11 prizes up for grabs for November’s lottery

1 Super Prize — 100 tezzies

2nd Prize — 40 tezzies

3rd Prize — 20 tezzies

8 consolation prizes — 5 tezzies each

How to get tickets for the lottery

You have to delegate to us in order to receive tickets! We just ask you to send a very small transaction (even of 0,000001 tz) to this address: tz1Zd4v9WLbKC8rtwQaGxyHAYRnesP4DDc7A

Send this from the KT1 address that is currently delegating to us with a positive balanceif you have 0 tezzies in the account, you can’t receive tickets! You need to do this only once, not at every cycle, and you will be counted for the whole lottery.

VERY IMPORTANT! Please check that you are sending the transaction from a KT1 address delegating to us, we can’t count tz1’s and of course we can’t count people delegating elsewhere!

We have to do this is to avoid that passive delegators win extra tezzies! We want our active participants to do that.

Valid cycles- NEW

The snapshots will be the ones from cycle 42 to 51, included

How many tickets you will get

For November’s lottery, we will consider your balance for all the snapshots happening this month from now on, sum them and divide by 1000. That will be your amount of tickets. If you have a fraction of a ticket, that will be counted as a full ticket

EXAMPLE: if the sum of your balances in the cycles happening in October is 17223 tezzies, you will get 18 tickets.

CAP- NEW: The max amount of tickets you can have is 200

What balance will be counted?

We count down your balance to the 4th decimal, of course if you are delegating to us at the snapshot considered!

Please notice that if when we extract winners you are not delegating to us, you will forfeit ALL YOUR TICKETS. The min balance you have to keep is 100 tezzies.

When the lottery will happen?

It will be after the snapshot at the beginning of cycle 52. We can’t give a precise time because every cycle is slightly faster or slower; therefore we will do our best to organize and tell in advance

Tech stuff:

What is my ticket “number”? — NEW

We will consider the transactions by the time we receive them, and assign the relative tickets to the sender. Only the first transaction counts


Participant A is the first subscriber and has a summed balance of 32900 tz

Participant B is the second subscriber and has a summed balance of 295444 tz

Participant C is the third subscriber and has a summed balance of 185331 tz

A will have tickets #0-#32; B reaches the cap, therefore will get #33-#232; C will take #233-#418

And so on

How are the winning tickets determined?

We will look at the “nonce” of the block. This is an hexadecimal number and we can’t control it in any way, so it’s 100% fair.

The nonce is a very long number. According to the number of tickets, we’ll consider:

Last 2 digits (If there are 256 tickets or less)

Last 3 digits (if there are 4096 tickets or less)

Last 4 digits (if there are 65536 tickets or less)

The number is hexadecimal, so we’ll convert it into decimal. A-F account for 10–15


253 hexadecimal is not 253 in decimal! It is

2*(16)²+5*(16)¹+3= ticket #595

With same logic, A8B is ticket #2699

We’ll publish the block from when we’ll start “extracting” the nonces, after the end of the last snapshot. Be sure to follow us in the chat to have fun together!

For max transparency, consider that the nonces are available also on tzscan.io

What happens If the nonce doesn’t have a ticket? What if, there are 3533 tickets but nonce 3988 is extracted?

We will give to everyone as many tickets as possible to fill up the block, maintaining the same proportion.


Assume that there are 5500 tickets in total, from number 0 to number 5499. We will replicate the very same order, from 5500 to 10999; then from 11000 to 16499 and so on.

In this example, we will stop at ticket 60499 — there aren’t 5500 free slots after that. Therefore if tickets 60500–65535 is drawn, there will be no winner and we will go with the next block.

What if a ticket is extracted twice?

This a rare occurrence, but a ticket can’t win twice. Therefore also in this case we’ll move to the next block. We’ll continue until we have 11 winners

Which one is the order of the prizes?

The tickets are extracted from the less important to the more important. So, the 1st prize is the last nonce

How and when will I get my tezzies?

If you win, we will be happy to share your prize straight into your kt1 account :)

Thanks everyone!

