StakingTeam updates!

2 min readJun 18, 2021


Dear Delegates,

here are some quick but important updates regarding our staking services that you need to know:

  • StakingTeam bakery up / TezosTeam bakery down

As you probably recall, last year we announced that we were no longer accepting delegations on good old TezosTeam bakery, and incentivized all delegates to migrate to StakingTeam, with dedicated promos.

A long 16 months grace period has passed, and we are finally dropping the curtains on TezosTeam: starting from cycle 376 we won’t pay rewards anymore to external delegations; last fully paid snapshot will be taken at cycle 375 (June 29). As a farewell gift we’re going to run a new promo: from cycle 376 to 380 we’re gonna charge a discounted 3% fee for everyone on StakingTeam bakery.

If you are already delegating StakingTeam, you don’t have to do anything, just enjoy the bargain! If you want to try our service for the first time, you’re welcome :)

  • IoTeX promo + lower fees 4ever!

We’re gonna run a nice promo for all our IoTeX delegates: 0% fees for July and August 2021!!!

And after that? We decided to lower our fees in the future, so our fees will go from 15% to 10% on all rewards!

It’s a good time to delegate us your IOTX, you can find our guide here. If you’re already delegating us there’s no action required, just enjoy the promo and the rewards!

As usual if you need any assistance just contact us directly on Telegram or drop us an email — all contacts below.

Thank you!

Telegram groups: (ENG) (ITA)

