Staking Team + Polkadot!

2 min readJun 20, 2020


oooh yes!

You were wondering if we could miss one of the most promising projects launched this year; we could not.

We are very proud to announce that Staking Team is going to be a validator for Polkadot Network, the first and flagship project by Web3 Foundation.

Polkadot is a sharded protocol that enables blockchain projects to operate together; it’s built by Gavin Wood, former co-founder and CTO of Ethereum, and other industry superstars.

Here’s a picture we took at our private party, when we told Gavin that Staking Team was going to be a Polkadot validator*:

*this story may or may not be true…

Polkadot’s native token is called DOT, and serves three purposes: governance, staking, and bonding. You can learn more about DOT token here. At the moment it’s not possible to buy or transfer DOT tokens; infact only those who participated in the sale, back in 2017, had the chance to claim their DOTs and can participate in this first staking phase. So in case you missed it, stay tuned until you’ll be able to trade DOTs on exchange; in case you have claimed your DOTs, you know what to do: nominate Staking Team as your validator!

Nomination guide for Polkadot Staking Team page on Polkascan

Last but not least: we like to give money away (tru story), so our fee is set at 0% at the moment. It will be changed in the future and we’ll advertise it in advance, as usual, in all our channels! So go nominate us and exploit our promotion.

As usual if you need any assistance just contact us directly on Telegram or drop us an email — all contacts below.

Thank you!

Telegram groups: (ENG) (ITA)

